While "plogging" is becoming more and more popular in the world, we combine the sea, recreation and caring for the environment.
Plogging is a term invented by Erik Ahlström referring to the act of picking up trash while jogging. It is a portmanteau of the Swedish term "plocka upp" which means "to pick up," while you are jogging. Your calories are burned in greater numbers, and at the same time you contribute to the protection of the environment. So we thought, why not include such an initiative in our form of rest and recreation.
If we take into account that shocking studies estimate that up to 12.7 million tons of plastic enter the seas and oceans - one large truck of plastic every minute, and that by 2050. 12 billion tons of plastic waste could be found in the environment, everyone should hear a sound of the alarm in our conscience and encourage us to act.
Scientists have documented that as many as 700 marine species have been affected by the plastic invasion. It is that 9 out of 10 birds that live by the sea, 1 out of 3 sea turtles and more than half of the individuals of whales and dolphins have ingested plastic into the digestive system. Do we really want this happening? Do we want to leave such a world as a legacy to our children?
Therefore, we invite you to join the initiative of "freeing our beaches from plastic" during your stay on our cruises. After a pleasant swim towards the shore, take ten minutes of your time on the beach and collect plastic waste. The staff from our ships will be happy to provide the necessary logistics for such an initiative, while the inhabitants of the sea and the coast will be immensely grateful to you. With the sun’s rays, the smell of the sea and the foaming waves, with the clicking of seagulls and the murmur of crickets as a sign of summer, your work will be praised many times over. Recreation, sea and good work - a winning combination!