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Respect and freedom -  that’s what Women's Day means…Happy Women's Day- wherever you are at the moment and whatever you are currently doing.

International Women's Day (abbreviated Women's Day) is celebrated on March 8 every year, since the beginning of the 20th century. On that day, economic, political, social and various other achievements of women are celebrated. It was created as an initiative of socialist organizations in the period before the First World War in the fight for equality, the right to vote and the need for the emancipation of women.

Since 2016, Women's Day in Croatia has been marked by the Night March protest, which is traditionally held on the evening of March 8. In the first years it was only in Zagreb, and since 2019 the Night March has been organized in Split, Rijeka, Pula and Zadar…

In the past, flowers were brought to teachers on March 8, gifts were made, and drawings were brought to mothers. Today, still linking March 8 with communism, it is as if that day is no longer celebrated. And we should! Apart from almost all household chores, women work in various companies, institutions, and various jobs in a wide range. A woman is mostly a mother, an employee, a housewife. In this world that has imposed a fast pace and high expectations in every way, without greater support, solidarity and gender equality, the future for the girls of this planet is not the most beautiful.

Respect and freedom -  that’s what Women's Day means…Happy Women's Day -  wherever you are at the moment and whatever you are currently doing.


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